
Carbon footprint calculation of Pomi L+ Tomato Passata

Carbon footprint calculation of Pomi L+ Tomato Passata


Project: “Carbon footprint calculation of Pomi L+ Tomato Passata made by Consorzio Casalasco del Pomodoro”      

Pomì L+, Tomato Passata with innovative properties and flagship of the range signed by the most famous Italian brand in the world, has been the object of a study to define Carbon Footprint of the lifecycle of product (under ISO 14067:2013 regulations).

This project, which is co-financed from Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, had the aim to calculate the amount of CO2 emitted after production of Pomì L+ analyzing all phases, from the production of tomato seeds until product consumption and disposal of packaging. All possibilities to reduce CO2 emissions have been analyzed along the complete life cycle, identifyingsome opportunities of improvement on which Pomì is investing real resources. The amount of emissions, which cannot be reduced, has been neutralized through the purchase of credits to finance projects of reduction of greenhouses gases.
This is a great example showing the growing attention of Pomì towards Environment and the constant respect of the highest quality standards, demanding all important companies in Europe to fulfill commitments according to the policy of Kyoto Protocol.

Even better, Pomì besides aiming at reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, joins the voluntary market in order to neutralize the amount of CO2 emitted, supporting an important project of energetic efficiency for rural communities of Siaya County: Cookstove for Kenya.
With L+, Pomì takes part to an action plan by rural inhabitants for the creation and installation of stoves to cook foodstuff. This is a great alternative in comparison with the traditional method, called “of the three stones”, implying the use of open air fires, fueled from virgin biomassor charcoal, producing toxic smokes which may cause serious health problems in rural areas of Kenya.
This initiative, considering stoves of Cookstove project, can reduce by 48% the quantity of biomass used for food cooking, decreasing in this way CO2 emissions in the atmosphere with an improvement of air quality and a reduction of annexed diseases.
Besides ensuring environmental benefits, this initiative has a positive effect from a social point of view as well: using stoves, there is a considerable reduction of women and children amount of work, that can considerably limit wood quantity to be collected, and a substantial reduction of costs incurredby families for charcoal purchase.
All socio-economic benefits have been certified by Gold Standard license.
On the one hand the innovation of a tomato Passata of new generation, L+, obtained with fresh tomato containing a high percentage of lycopene, and on the other hand a project that requires a social-ethical task combining Pomì main values: high quality, attention for land and environment, and last but not least social commitment.
All these key elements together in a single brand, that has always spread the authentic taste of tomato Passata and Italian tomato around the world.

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